Tiny Awakenings Podcast
Welcome to Tiny Awakenings! This podcast was created to share the many small growth points or 'aha moments' my guests and I have had to become more authentically close to our highest selves. This show comprises Tiny Awakenings, short unedited verbal journals, and Not So Tiny Awakenings, long guest episodes. Although these 'Tiny Awakenings' are unedited they hold outcomes, solutions, long-lasting impressions, and new ways of thinking. Sooo expect less of the juicy gossip and sad stories and more of what led me to hope, to growth... and to new tiny awakenings. Follow me on IG @tiny.awakenings to connect with me & she what's coming up!
Tiny Awakenings Podcast
Ep.14 Attached by Love: Examining Attachment Styles (feat. Sierra Fernandez)
In this episode, Sierra and I explore attachment theory! Discovering attachment styles can help you better understand how you relate to others and how to improve it. Sierra gives us a Psyc 101 lesson on each of the 4 attachment styles (secure, avoidant, anxious and fearful/ambivalent attachments) and talk about what forming a secure successful attachment could look like.
Finding out what your attachment style may be can be as easy as asking yourself 2 questions.
(1) Do I have a positive or negative view of myself?
(2) Do I have a positive or negative view of other people?
- more deeply the question is asking who you can trust, who you depend on the most to produce positive outcomes or sooth you. During the interview I mentioned a visual I was using to track my conversation which can be found here - a model developed psychologists Kim Bartholomew & Leonard Horowitz!
I also bought up a curiosity about co-dependent relationships and their correlation with anxious attachment styles here is an article to learn more Co-Dependency and Attachment Style by Evolve Therapy.